Thursday, June 5, 2014

N for Native Speaker


  1. Hi Ido,

    Your presentation was very nice and enriching. It was interesting to learn about native speakers and how the definition has changed. I think that it’s very easy to distinguish between L2 users and expert users, but thanks to you now I know the exact definitions :)

  2. Hey Ido,
    I tend to agree with past perception that native speakers can teach English better. Obviously their knowledge in English is way better than L2 users and they have natural instincts for how to use language in many ways. Having said that, I do see the point of L2 users being better teachers because they learned English the same way they're teaching it and they know how to teach it better.

  3. Hey,
    I didn't saw your presentation, but the PPT file is very clear and interesting!
    Native speakers can teach their lenguage better, but do they know how to teach? I know some native speakers that can explain why they are saying this instead of that.. it comes naturally to them, they don't pay attention to the way they speak like we do in Hebrew.
    If a native speaker will learn how to teach, it will be great for the students!
